Article 19312

Title of the article

                                     USING THE MODEL OF THE OPTIMALITY INSTITUTIONAL ANALYSIS                                          OF VARIOUS TYPES OF PROPERTY IN THE ECO-ECONOMIC SYSTEM   


Maslov Dmitry Georgievich, Candidate of economic sciences, associate professor, sub-department of economic
theory and world economy, Penza State University, 

Index UDK



The author considers the problem of insolvency of a modern specification of property rights on natural goods, which forms the institutional trap for the sustainable development of EES and offers a model for analyzing the optimal form of ownership generated by the process of development of ecological and economic relations. 

Key words

sustainable development of EES, ownership, property rights, the model of institutional analysis of development  

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Дата создания: 22.09.2014 12:47
Дата обновления: 24.09.2014 10:21